Our Blogs | Impello® Biosciences

All About Dune™

Dune is stabilized monosilicic acid, a bioavailable form of silicon that strengthens plant cell walls and tissues. Plants uptake silicon as monosilicic acid, impacting the health, strength, growth rate, and outcomes of crops. Dune improves plant performance, tolerance of heat, drought, and frost, and resistance to salinity and heavy metals. 

All About Continuum™
What is it? Four carefully chosen species of beneficial bacteria. Each species (Bacilus subtilis, Bacilus pumulis, Bacilus amyloliquifaciens, and Paenibacillus chitinolyticus) is classified as a Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR). The product includes each species in live cell form, dormant...
Microbes are not a luxury item.
Why microbial considerations are every bit as critical as the rest of any growing program. Written by Marie Turner, Ph.D. Did you know? So called “germ-free” mice suffer a myriad of physical problems, and then, they die. Young, small, sick,...
Microbial Co-Culture Part One: The Concepts
Marie Turner, PhD, explores the concept of "co-culturing" microbes –– By co-culturing multiple species, these communities create a dynamic ecosystem, producing beneficial compounds that significantly impact agricultural practices and pave the way for more sustainable farming methods.
Preventing Resistant Pathogens/Pests: What We Growers Can Do
It is understandable to be skeptical about so-called “biologicals”. But in the age of pesticide and herbicide resistance, here is a reason for rethinking this skepticism. By Marie Turner, PhD, Creative Director & Head of Science Communications at Impello Biosciences.
The Crucial Role of Humic and Fulvic Acids as Biostimulants
Humic acids and fulvic acids–natural compounds resulting from organic decay–play a critical role in biostimulant products.
Does the Biostimulant Industry Need a Certification Program?
The biostimulant industry is rapidly growing. Would it benefit from a certification program?
Making Vertical Farms Safer with Microbial Inoculants
Microbial inoculants can reduce pathogenic risk when used appropriately in vertical farming systems.
Carbon Farming: How a Healthy Soil Microbiome Helps Sequester Carbon
Carbon farming is an important climate solution. Learn how a healthy soil microbiome helps sequester carbon.
Impello Biosciences Partners with Morgan Hill Unified School District to Enhance Student Nutrition Program
Impello Biosciences is thrilled to announce a partnership with the Morgan Hill Unified School District’s Student Nutrition Program.
Improving Nutrient Use Efficiency: Nutrient Management Strategies and Beneficial Microbes
Maximize nutrient use efficiency with beneficial microbes: Effective strategies for sustainable nutrient management.
Treating Tomato Nutrient Deficiencies with Biostimulants
Learn how tomato nutrient deficiencies can be avoided and corrected with plant biostimulants.
Biostimulant Use is Growing Rapidly: Here's Why
The market for plant biostimulants has exploded over the past two decades. Why is this and will the trend continue?
How to Use Biostimulants for Fruit Production
Learn about the best biostimulants for fruit production and how to use them effectively. Explore the mechanisms behind these organic compounds and optimize your fruit yields with biostimulants.
The Incredible Benefits of Corn Steep Liquor as a Sustainable Organic Fertilizer
Discover the benefits of using corn steep liquor as an organic fertilizer. Improve soil quality, increase plant growth, and reduce your environmental impact.
How Biostimulants Improve Plant Stress Tolerance
Biostimulants can enhance plant stress tolerance and resilience, without posing harmful effects on the environment or human health. Here’s how they do it.
The Science Behind Impello’s Microbial Inoculants
An ever-growing human population and increasing climatic instability will demand changes to how we grow food. But opinions on what these changes should be are hotly debated. They often veer in one of two directions. One direction sees “back to...
Can Soil Microbes Save the Planet?
The invisible world of beneficial microbes—fungi and bacteria that aid human, plant, and ecosystem health—is now a viral topic (no pun intended!) There are bestselling books about the fungal networks of forests, growing awareness about the influence and importance of...
Does Conventional Fertilizer Harm Soil Health?
Conventional—or synthetic—fertilizers have dramatically increased short-term yields over the past century. But our reliance on these chemical inputs comes with consequences, including polluted waterways, nutrient runoff, and the release of harmful greenhouse gas emissions. Alongside pesticides, monocropping, and deforestation, conventional...
Induced Resistance and Plant Immunity: Everything You Need to Know
Induced resistance is a type of plant response to pathogenic threats. Learning how it works is unlocking promising new approaches to crop disease management.
The Benefits of Rhizobacteria for Crop Production
Bacteria are ubiquitous. These single-celled organisms are found everywhere, from our digestive tracts to the soils that sustain us, they stitch together the biological fabric of all complex life on Earth. A single teaspoon of soil can hold up to...