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The services we provide at Impello broadly answer the question: What’s happening in my rhizosphere and phyllosphere, and what should I do about it?

Do you want answers about microorganisms in your growing system? Design an experiment by contacting

Total Bacteria

The relative count of bacterial cells in a sample.

What does Total Bacteria matter?

Healthy rhizospheres support abundant microbial life and good ecological function. Higher bacteria can indicate active nutrientcycling processes and good fertility which are crucial for plant growth. Extreme bacterial counts, high or low, can indicate issues ofenvironmental conditions. High counts may suggest contamination or imbalance; low counts, poor soil health or low organic matter.

Total Fungi

The relative count of fungal cells in a sample.

Why does Total Fungi matter?

High fungal populations often indicate healthy, well-structured soil with abundant organic matter and efficient nutrient cycling,particularly for phosphorus and nitrogen. In addition, fungi produce substances that help bind soil particles together, improve soilstructure, enhance water retention, and reduce erosion. Fungi also form symbiotic relationships with plants, giving access to nutrientsand water under drought, or facilitating resistance to pathogens.

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Fungal to Bacterial Ratio (F:B)

The ratio of Total Fungi to Total Bacteria.

Why does Fungal to Bacterial Ratio (F:B) matter?

F:B provides insights into microbial balance which can influence nutrient cycling, soil structure, and plant growth. Lower F:Bs (e.g., more bacteria relative to fungus) can mean faster nutrient turnover. F:B can also provide information about what nutrient processes might be limiting in a system. Higher F:B (e.g., more fungus relative to bacteria) may indicate a more resource-limited system because fungi tend to be more tolerant of low nutrient and water conditions. Addition of beneficial bacteria may be especially helpful here.

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Fungal Presence Testing

The presence of fungus like Fusarium, Cladosporium, and Alternaria spp.

Why does testing for specific fungal groups matter?

Identifying pathogenic organism strains allows us to provide the grower with information about what disease-causing organism they are contending with or make recommendations for preventing problematic organisms in the growing system.

Product Establishment and Validation

The validation of beneficial bacteria colonization in the rhizosphere.

Why does product establishment testing matter?
By measuring and comparing survival/presence across treated and untreated samples, product establishment tests can offer insight into whether Impello products are fully compatible with the growing system or any of the other products that are used in operational nutritional or IPM programs.

Silica Leaf Tissue Analysis

Measure the amount of silica (Si) in your plant tissue.

Why does analyzing leaf tissue for silica matter?

Testing plant tissue leaf silica (Si) post-application provides valuable insight into how well the plant assimilates applied silica via the root system or foliage. This data-driven approach ensures informed decision-making for future applications, optimizing crop performance and return on investment.