The feature is also sometimes a bug: What is going on with Biofuel®?

From its inception, the focus of our company has been on creating innovative products that pull unique levers in growing systems. For example, our flagship products are living organisms that represent new ways to think about crop health and nutrition. Biofuel is a byproduct of high fructose corn syrup manufacturing and is a phenomenal source of both macro and micronutrients. This makes it not only a great nutrient source for plants, but also a terrific food source for microorganisms. In fact, this is the reason we introduced Biofuel in the first place -- its unique composition fuels plant growth directly through nutrition and indirectly by fueling the soil biology. But this dual-purpose nutrition is also where the trouble begins!  

Like many of our products, Biofuel represents the harnessing of multiple natural forces to bring uncommon health from bottle to crop. Except, as is common when you innovate in living systems, at least for the moment, it seems Biofuel has broken our harness. Because it is such good food for both plant and beneficial microbes, it becomes challenging at a large manufacturing scale to keep biofuel out of a state of active, healthy fermentation– the process that was causing the bottles to bloat and sometimes, explode. So, for the time being, Biofuel is rejecting our efforts to contain it (hence the…ahem… somewhat “lively” products some of you have received). We’re working on a solution to make this amazing dynamic substance amenable to being stable in modern plastic packaging.

Although this liveliness is exactly what makes this product special, we also know that you, our meticulous growers, need products that will stay put in their bottles until you are ready to put them on your crops. So, until we can bring you this product in a formulation and packaging that meets our standards and will truly harness its power, we are putting a hold on Biofuel sales. Rest assured that we are working on alternatives to bring this unique nutrition and its lively and powerful crop ecosystem boosting powers back to you. And, as always, we won’t just stop when we find something “good enough”; we’re using this as an opportunity to make a great product and an innovative technology perform even better than before, both inside the bottle and out.

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