Biological Fertilizer BiostimulantsImpello Greenhouse

Biostimulants, Biofertilizers, Bioproductivity

microbial inoculant


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At Impello Biosciences we are developing plant biostimulants with unique ingredients so growers can increase plant performance in unique ways.
"Plant biostimulants contain substances and/or microorganisms whose function when applied to plants or to soil is to stimulate natural processes to enhance or benefit nutrient uptake, nutrient efficiency, tolerance to abiotic stress and crop quality." - European Biostimulant Industry Council
soil amendmentssoil amendments
Biostimulants, like beneficial soil microbes, address the most pressing challenges in agriculture. Fertilizers and amendments derived from natural sources reinvigorate soil health, reduce our dependence on chemical fertilizers, and improve the quality of the crops we grow.

Product Spotlight

Everything you need to know about Impello's biostimulant solutions

At Impello, when we say we are a “biostimulant company” we mean we think about supporting crop health in ways other than traditional fertilizers and pesticides. This does not mean we recommend abandoning traditional levers of crop management, rather we think it is possible to do more for crops. 

Specifically, we seek to realize yield and health possibilities through establishment of robust, problem-resistant, microbial rhizospheres with microbial consortia, creation of resilient plant tissues through innovative mineral formulations, and provision of nutrients through non-traditional formats like amino acid fertilizers or nitrogen-fixing microbes. This is a diverse array of products, but they can all be considered biostimulants and biofertilizers.

There is a great deal of overlap between the terms “biostimulant” and “biofertilizer”. Until recently, biostimulant was a loosely used term that usually referred to a product with positive impacts on a plant that was not a traditional fertilizer. To some degree this remains the case, although, as of 2023, biostimulants now have an official definition via the Biostimulant Act

“The term biostimulant means a substance, microorganism, or mixture thereof, that, when applied to seeds, plants, the rhizosphere, soil, or other growth media, acts to support a plant independently of the biostimulant’s nutrient content, thereby improving nutrient availability, uptake or use efficiency, tolerance to abiotic stress, and consequent growth, quality, or yield.”

In non legalese, at Impello, we like to simplify this definition: in our minds, a biostimulant is anything outside the bounds of traditional agricultural fertilizers and pesticides that leads to healthy and resilient crops over both seasons and years to come